How do you make the dream of owning a private label brand a reality?

Zerv asked themselves this question in 2016. They had a dream of creating their own private label brand where they could develop a badminton racket that would give the consumer “value for money”.

Based in Denmark, Zerv is an online business that offers a wide selection of racquets and merchandise. They were founded in 2000 and have grown from being a small online store to being a market leader in equipment for all sorts of racket sports. Although there are many strong brands currently making rackets, the owners Torben and Mikkel wanted to expand the market with their own private label brand that would give the consumer the best quality for the lowest cost and also give Zerv greater earnings.

They quickly discovered that sourcing and developing new products is a difficult and resource-intensive process and that it can be challenging to ensure product quality as well as on-time deliveries.

“We wanted to let go of all the worries and spend our time designing new products instead. Because of this, Dymak was the perfect match as our supply chain partner. We see and test all products before approving an order. Further, they offer a guarantee by having us pay 30 days after we have received our delivery. This gives us a lot of security, which means a great deal for a company like ours”, says Mikkel Normann, CCO at Zerv.

If you want to check out Zerv’s great products, you can find them here: